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Recreation is one of those words that can seem super serious or somewhat frivolous depending upon your perspective. It comes from a late Middle English word which had the connotation of something that provided ‘mental or spiritual consolation’ which in turn came from an Old French word recreare meaning to ‘create again, renew'. Well given the current state of national and global affairs . . . who couldn't use some of that? But at the end of the day, recreation isn't so much about what we do, as it is about HOW we do it and WHY. So I caught up with an expert in our area that understands Recreation from just about every vantage point that exists.
John Lehan serves as the Community Education and Recreation Director for the Sauk Prairie Community Center. He has served the Sauk Prairie community since November of 2012. John, his wife Lisa and daughter Azilynn live in the Sauk Prairie community. Family hobbies include board games, visiting local and state parks, bowling, and Mickey Mouse. John also serves as Vice President with the Friends of Sauk Prairie Parks and Recreation group which is developing Culver Community Park.
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