In this episode I talk with Buddy Huffaker the Executive Director of the world renowned Aldo Leopold Center. Buddy is funny, knowledgable amd passionate about the Land Ethic. Tune in to find out how all of us can be better caretakers of the only planet we have.

Show Notes

Buddy Huffaker is the sort of guy that I just wanted to have as a friend the moment I met him.  Unassuming, self-deprecating in a humble and humorous way, and REALLY smart.  I mean who wouldn't want to be friends with a guy like that?  And then I got to talking with him on my previous show and realized there was so MUCH to talk about that we better get going, because we only have one lifetime.  He is the Executive Director of the Aldo Leopold Center and Foundation.  He has a wealth of knowledge and experience in teaching people the "how and why" of taking care of the land as well as be more responsible and ethical in how we use it. 

Buddy joined the foundation over 20 years ago as an intern. His academic background is in landscape architecture and plant ecology, but he has also undertaken extensive professional development in fundraising, management, and finance.  He is recognized as an Executive Scholar in Not‐for‐Profit Management by Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. He also participated in the White House Conference on Cooperative Conservation, and was elected to represent the Northeast Region at the U.S. Forest Service’s Centennial Congress. 

One of the most thrilling parts of his job is interacting with individuals and communities all over the country who are working not only to understand Leopold’s vision of a land ethic more fully, but more importantly, to implement it in their day-to-day lives.

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