
Show Notes

Picture this - what would it be like sharing meals with strangers during the holiday season, exploring the essence of empathy and unity in our divided world. That's what I'm doing with Antowan Hallmon, Sr, the Senior Pastor of Faith Works Ministries. We are coming together, understanding each other's struggles regardless of our diverse urban and non-urban backgrounds, and learning from each other's experiences.

We're not afraid to tackle the difficult conversations about racial bias, the painful stereotypes and prejudices that black individuals face every day. How do these biases manifest in subtle ways, like the political weaponization of black-on-black crime? We reflect on the societal pressures that force black people to change in order to fit into a white-dominated society. We dive into hard-hitting discussions about race and its influence on our lives, the role of poverty and decision making, and the importance of exposure and opportunities in combating systemic racism. 

We reflect on recent incidents of racial discrimination and how love can be a mighty tool against hate. Can you imagine the transformative power of love in our society? Join us as we draw from our personal experiences, explore these critical topics, and help shed light on ways in which we can foster understanding and acceptance, promote love over hate, and make a difference in our society. Listen in, get inspired, and let's start prioritizing energy towards the essential topics together during 2024.

Thanks for listening. Please check out our website at www.forsauk.com to hear great conversations on topics that need to be talked about. In these times of intense polarization we all need to find time to expand our Frame of Reference.

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