Show Notes
So last time Antoine and I had so much fun talking about all the types of music out there that Black and White folks enjoy. Strangely enough in our case, it ended up being the SAME music. Who'd a thunk it. So, we thought we should try to maintain the positive vibe from last week's grooviness, by cooking up a conversation about food. Like music, food brings us together to enjoy a meal, talk about things to come (thanks James Taylor for that lyric). As usual, we found that focusing on things that we have in common as well as well as those that are unique to our cultural and personal backgrounds, brought us closer together, and hopefully will help our listeners move in that same direction.
So pass the potatoes, or the collard greens, and especially the ribs, because there's lots of sitting down at the table together that needs to happen, Let there be lip smacking goodness that goes in and comes out of, our mouths!
Oh, and save some room for dessert. The pie is to die for.
Thanks for listening. Please check out our website at to hear great conversations on topics that need to be talked about. There's always time to expand your Frame of Reference.
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