Show Notes

Did you ever think about how you first found out about MONEY?  After all, as the song says "money makes the world go around".  Or does it? Our undersanding of it, our amassing of it (e.g Jeff Bezos and his 500 million dollar yacht) vs our lack of it in the housing projects of Chicago, New York, Sauk County, and countless other urban communities display the disparity of who gets it and why.  Let's face it, working hard doesn't guarantee it.  Short cuts like drugs and criminal activity can provide fast access to it, because none of us WANTS to remain poor. We want enough of it to survive (or resign ourselves to that lifestyle). We take any means necessary to survive.  
Our understanding of who has it, what it takes to get it, and how we choose to get it results in a LOT of struggling.  Both with each other, the classes, and indeed even our own thoughtlife.  All of this struggling fuels discontent and discord and when one asks "why" our suggestion would be "follow the money".

Money IS power in this world, so how we look at how it's used and distributed can be enlightening (and enraging) but we must remember, where the root of the problem resides.  We cannot love both God and Money.  So we have to choose who to love because the difference will change our lives and the worlds of those around us.

Think about it, talk about it, the next time you spend one of those hard earned dollars.

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