If you have a soul that yearns to be outdoors, Charlie Luthin is someone that you want to talk with in depth.  And if you don't, he will help you see the joy that is waiting for all of us outdoors.  With an undergraduate degree in Biology (Botany) and a...

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If you have a soul that yearns to be outdoors, Charlie Luthin is someone that you want to talk with in depth.  And if you don't, he will help you see the joy that is waiting for all of us outdoors.  

With an undergraduate degree in Biology (Botany) and a MS degree in Zoology (Ornithology), Charlie Luthin has spent his career of 43 years working almost exclusively for conservation non-profit organizations. Charlie spent 13 years working for international organizations that focused on tropical forest, wetland and marine (sea turtle) conservation.  For the past 20 years he served as director of various statewide or regional groups, including Aldo Leopold Foundation, Wisconsin Wetlands Association and Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin.  

In the Fall of 2020, Charlie retired after a five-year tenure as director of Sauk Prairie Conservation Alliance based in Sauk City, the group that envisioned and secured a green future for the former Badger Army Ammunition Plant.  In his spare time he loves to birdwatch, garden, hike and explore natural areas.  

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