Part 2 of my discussion with David Lippiatt as we talk about how his organization, WE International is working to assist women and children all over the world that are the victims of abuse and violence.

Show Notes

You know how you meet those people in your life when you're young, just out of school and feel like the world is your oyster, and you think "I wonder where they'll be in 40 years?"   Well my guest for this episode, David Lippiatt,  is a person that I met back in my oyster days and we were just sort of figuring out what to do with our lives.  I had just married my wife Ann, and he was dating her sister.  His relationship with her was not to be, but we never lost touch with each other and now FINALLY after all these years . . . we're getting caught up.  And boy do we have a LOT of catching up to do.  While I was out trudging through life and making a bunch of mistakes along the way, my friend Dave Lippiatt was out changing the world.  He's a phenomenal example of what happens when you put your life in God's hands and say "do with me what you will."

David Lippiatt is the cofounder, President and CEO of WE International Inc. (Est. 2007). Additionally, he has been invited to speak at the United Nations on several occasions to advocate on behalf of the Sahrawi people. He is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee with degree in Philosophy and International Relations, and has a certificate in Foreign Policy from Oxford University, England. David is currently enrolled in the Notre Dame University Executive Leadership Certificate Program. His faith, heart of compassion and desire for justice is the driving force behind what causes him to respond to the overwhelming amount of global poverty and injustice issues affecting women, children and men in less developed countries.

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