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Last week I finished up the podcast with a reference to Simon Sinek’s book “Leaders Eat Last”. This week I’m going back to Mr. Sinek again because Morgan’s philosophy about leadership training as well as his methods for teaching of it are very much in alignment with the teachings of Sinek.
One of Sinek’s earliest revelations in leadership training was to “start out with why”. He had observed in his research of organizations that everyone in an organization knows what it is that they do and some even know how to do it, but very few know WHY they do it. It’s not just “to make a profit” because that’s a result, and it will always be JUST a result of providing something of value. Why means: What’s your purpose? What’s your cause? Why does your organization exist? Why do you get out of the bed in the morning and why should anyone care? The fact that most of us don’t know our individual “Whys” may be the main reason for the “Great Resignation”. for many of us, the Pandemic forced a re-evaluation of that question and we came up lacking.
Sinek’s advice and in fact what makes the SCIL training so different (especially the way Morgan teaches it) is that it starts with the premise that EVERYONE can be a leader but they have to Establish clear personal, family, and health goals. These are your "WHY" goals. Why do you do what you do? If you don’t know . . it’s time to find out, don’t you think? And remember too that communication isn’t about speaking, it’s about listening. The rewards from getting that right, are exceptional.
Morgan McArthur’s career path has been winding, unconventional and rewarding. He has practiced as a large animal veterinarian in Idaho, mending cattle and horses for 15 years. Was Research & Development Manager at a New Zealand pharmaceutical company for a decade. As if that wasn't enough he has also given keynote/motivational speeches to audiences as small as three people to three thousand and has found a creative niche as a lettering/pinstriping artist. SCIL is one way in which he has enjoyed giving back to his home county as a UW-Madison Extension educator for five years.
Morgan is a co-facilitator in the Sauk County Institute of Leadership (SCIL) program, where participants learn more about themselves, learn a lot about the county and learn leadership skills. He’s also very involved with public art in his hometown of Baraboo. At this stage of his career Morgan knows it’s important to give back to the community and he brings enthusiasm to that mission.
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