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Every once and a while you meet someone that just seems to "have it figured out". Bill Harris is one of those people to me. Every time I see him or talk to him and ask how he's doing he always responds the same way. "Best Day Ever!" HE MEANS IT TOO! It's even on the door leading into PHP World Headquarters in Baraboo Wisconsin. Bill has spent the Lion's share (Think Daniel) of his life helping others to have hope in their lives. Whether it's backpacks with School supplies, food for folks struggling, or assistance for families with dad or moms serving in the armed forces during the holidays, Bill's heart is wherever God tells him to go. In more recent years he has been working to help people that have been released from Jail, to develop job skills that can help them build a new life financially and relationally. For the past several years he has run a car detailing business that teaches skills that translate into real jobs after their training is complete. Now he's ready for the next step.
Join me as I talk with Bill and County Administrator Brent Miller about a new Career center that is being developed in Sauk County to help teach trade skills to people that have been incarcerated and need a second chance. The new program will offer labs for carpentry, HVAC, Electrical, and plumbing skills that can be learned and mastered so that participants can truly make a new life for themselves. It's a slam dunk win/win for them, Sauk County (decreased recidivism) and local contractors that face a shortage of workers.
Bill will inspire you and perhaps strike a bit of awe in you, because he is a walking talking man of God, and the fruits of that are all over the place in Baraboo and beyond.
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